Enjoy National Watermelon Day (08-03-24)!
by Borden-Lombardi Realty 08/03/2024

About Watermelon:
- Watermelon has been harvested since 2000 BC,
- 92% of a watermelon = H2O,
- Watermelon is a fruit + a vegetable,
- Watermelons have lycopene, an antioxidant which helps to prevent cancer, and
- It’s great to eat watermelon in your own backyard!
DO YOU NEED A NEW BACKYARD? If yes, contact Borden-Lombardi Realty, Seller Specialists (WITH TRADITIONAL LISTINGS OR 1% HOME LISTINGS), Senior Real Estate Specialists (for people 50+ yrs of age), with 50 years of broker experience and award-winning service, call 860-268-8115 today!